On February 21, 2012, Dr. Michael Macris performed the first live beating heart surgery through Twitter. The double-coronary artery bypass was performed while Dr. Macris wore an attached camera to his head during the procedure. The live tweet lasted for 2 hours with Dr. Paresh Patel, a colleague of Dr. Macris', updating the captured images with verbal commentary and answers to viewers' questions. Read more about the procedure through Texas Monthly or Time. Below is a short video from the Twittercast.
Copyright © Michael P. Macris, MD. All Rights Reserved
Dr. Macris provides a more in-depth discussion on minimally invasive cardiac surgery in this informational webinar.
Go inside one patient's real life experience with minimally invasive cardiac surgery and its transformative effects on his life.
Please be advised that the video above contains graphic images of open-heart surgery